Our Letter to You...

Dear Friend,
“From the moment they placed you in our arms, you snuggled right into our hearts.” This is what it will say on the wall over the crib in the baby’s nursery when we are privileged to adopt. We know this isn’t an easy road for you to travel, as it hasn’t been an easy road for us to travel either. But when we decided as a couple to adopt, we’ve felt so much peace in our lives, knowing we are doing what we can to bring a precious baby into our lives. We know this is the path our Heavenly Father wants us to be on right now, and we are excited to see where it takes us and who it introduces us to while we are following it.

We’d love for you to know about our past and what has led us to the decision to adopt. We were married in July 2010, and not long after decided to start our family. We tried for almost two years, when finally, through fertility treatments found out we were expecting! We couldn’t have been happier. We were in the process of buying a new home, and already had the nursery planned out; we could not wait. At 24 weeks along, Jennifer started having complications and ended up at the hospital. Six days later our precious little son, Jaxtyn, was born. He was 11 inches long and weighed one pound. Everything about his body was perfect. Everything seemed to be fine, and he held on for almost two days, but when his little body couldn’t take anymore, we got to hold him for the first and last time as he passed quietly back into heaven. It’s been a long, hard road since that day and we have learned from doctors that it is very risky for us to try on our own again anytime soon. 
We wanted to share our story with you for a couple of reasons. One is so you know we understand loss. We want you to know that what you are doing for your child is the most admirable, courageous act of love a person could do for another person. Leaving the hospital with empty arms is not going to be easy (as we sit here in tears writing this because we know the feeling all too well), but we hope that knowing your baby will go to a home such as ours who will love him/her unconditionally and knowing how much we will cherish your little baby will ease that pain a little. Another reason we share our story with you is so you understand why we want to adopt. We want more than anything to fill that void in our hearts, and are so anxious to start doing all the things with children that we’ve always looked forward to doing.
We’d really like to tell you about ourselves as a couple and as individuals, so we’ll get to that J. We are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and a enjoy spending time with ward members. We are very involved in our ward with our callings, and attend all the different activities. We have both been active members our whole lives and we both served full time missions. We love to have fun. Since we’ve been married we have lived in 3 different states, which has been a blast, but what’s been really fun is how many we’ve had the opportunity to travel to. We absolutely LOVE road trips and anything that involves traveling. Culture is one of our favorite things. We both speak Spanish (although we need to find more opportunities to practice it, we’re getting kind of rusty!!!) and have been to two different countries and 15 different states. Some of our favorite trips include Costa Rica, Canada, Alaska, South Dakota, and Florida. We hope to always be able to plan out trips (planning is half the fun!) and immerse ourselves in the culture of wherever we decide to go. We are looking forward to involving our children in all these trips and in the planning process; we’re so excited to make those fun memories with our kids!

Evan is a mechanical engineer and he loves his job. He has been there since 2012 and has done a fantastic job at whatever he is asked to do! He is a hard worker and just recently was awarded “employee of the month” (I, Jennifer, am writing this paragraph and I can brag about him a little J). He loves the outdoors, especially when he has his camera with him. He goes a little crazy with the camera sometimes, but we always end up with some pretty awesome pictures. He will be such a great dad because I don’t know if I’ve ever met anyone with so much patience and compassion as he has. About three months after our baby passed away, we got a puppy. He has NEVER liked dogs so this was a big deal, but he did it for me because I think he knew I needed something to love and care for, something that depended on me. Let’s just say he’s a dog person now; I think he loves that dog more than I do (But, he would deny it that he likes dogs if you asked him, it’s a running joke we tease him about). I can’t wait to see him play with our children and take them camping. He is an Eagle Scout and has worked at scout camps and loves to be involved in those fun outdoor activities. Evan served a full time Spanish speaking mission in Texas.
Jennifer is a certified elementary school teacher and loves watching her students learn and grow. She has worked at schools in Nevada, Idaho, Washington and now Utah. She has taught 5th and 6th grade and is now working with kindergarten.  Jennifer is a wonderful teacher because she has a very tender heart and wants each student to succeed. Her tender heart is one of many qualities that will make her an excellent mother, she will see to every need of our child. Jennifer loves to bake and decorate cakes. I look forward to the day when our son or daughter can enjoy all her fun treats in both the creating process and eating them. I love Jen very much, so much that I did put aside my fear of dogs so that she could have something other than myself to take care of. Jennifer is also the social bug of the family. She loves to get together with family and friends and enjoy their company. Our child will be brought right along into these gatherings. Her greatest desire has always been to be a stay-at-home mom, looking for opportunities to play with, love, and teach her own children. Jennifer served a full time mission as well, the first half was in Texas, and the second half was in Washington D.C.

Snickers is our adorable, little, just over 1 year old dog. She is a mini-Australian Shepherd/Springer Spaniel mix. She’s quirky and hilarious and always doing something that makes us laugh. She absolutely LOVES kids and other dogs.  Jennifer’s sister loves it when we bring her over to play with her three year old and one year old, they both adore her. Her one year old calls her “pup-pup”. We named her Snickers because we got her on Halloween.

On both sides we have very supportive, involved immediate families as well as grandparents and extended family. Every sibling (except one who lives way too far away), every parent, and some grandparents made it to the hospital to meet little Jaxtyn before he passed away, including some who lived in other states and had to drive 12 hours. Extended families are involved a lot as well, especially around birthdays and other holidays. Your baby will be loved in every direction he/she turns!  As it said in the beginning, we are so excited and can’t wait for the day we get to snuggle a little baby we call our own. Our greatest desire is to have children in our home. We have been working hard and are blessed to be able to have Jennifer at home full time once a baby comes, while Evan works to support the family.
We hope you have had the chance to get to know us a little, and will consider us for the family of your baby. Thank you so much for taking your own time to read our letter. We wish you the best in whatever decision you make!                             

Evan & Jennifer

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